Terms and conditions of Equote B.V. as of January 1, 2023

Article 1 Definitions

Equote B.V. is a private limited liability company whose goal is to improve the ranking of websites in various search engines through link building.
In these General Conditions, “General Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions.
In these General Terms and Conditions, “Principal” means the natural or legal person acting in the exercise of his commercial or professional activity and using the services of Equote B.V..
In these Terms and Conditions, “Parties”, and each individually as “Party”, means: Equote B.V. and/or Client.
In these General Terms and Conditions, “Agreement” means the agreement concluded between Equote B.V. and the Client, whether or not in the context of an organized system for remote sales or services, whereby until the conclusion of the Agreement exclusive use is made of one or more techniques for remote communication, whereby Equote B.V. undertakes towards the Client to provide services and the Client undertakes to pay a price for those services. The agreement is established by an offer by Equote B.V. and its acceptance by the client, which is further explained in Article 4.3 of these General Terms and Conditions.
In these Terms and Conditions, “Services” shall mean all services provided by Equote B. V. and/or third parties engaged by it to the Client, including the acquisition of backlinks for external parties, the creation of content and products, and all other services provided by Equote B. V. to the Client, of whatever nature, performed in the context of an Assignment, including work not performed at the express request of the Client.
In these Terms and Conditions, “website” means Equote B.V.’s website, accessible at https://https://equote.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/times-square-5476715_6400-1.jpg.eu/.

Article 2 Identity of Equote B.V.

Equote B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 86689770 and carries VAT identification number NL864050604B01. Equote B.V. is located at Haddingestraat 31-1 (9711 KC) in Groningen.
Equote B.V. can be reached by e-mail at info@https://equote.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/times-square-5476715_6400-1.jpg.eu or via the website https://https://equote.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/times-square-5476715_6400-1.jpg.eu/ and by phone at +31636487431.

Article 3 Applicability of the General Conditions

The Terms and Conditions apply to any offer by Equote B.V. and to all present and future agreements, deliveries, commercial relations and other legal relations between the parties. General terms and conditions of the client are expressly rejected.
Deviations from the General Terms and Conditions are valid only if expressly agreed in writing with Equote B.V..
The applicability of purchasing or other conditions of the client is expressly rejected, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
The General Terms and Conditions also apply to additional or modified assignments from the client.
If one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions are found to be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the entire agreement shall not be affected thereby. In such a case, the parties will make every effort to replace the invalid provision with a new, valid provision that comes as close as possible to the invalid provision in the original General Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 The Agreement

All offers on the website are completely non-binding unless expressly stated otherwise.
The client can contact Equote B.V. via the website, by e-mail or by telephone regarding the services offered.
Equote B.V. will consult with the client about their expectations and may then prepare an offer, which will be sent by e-mail. The agreement is established only by means of an (electronic) order confirmation. It can also be closed by placing an order in a shared Excel spreadsheet. This places the order in the Excel spreadsheet and adds the price.
A submitted or written blog must contain unique content and be relevant, i.e., the blog must contain a minimum of 400 words, 1 (one) royalty-free image and 1 (one) or a maximum of 2 (two) outbound links to the same party, unless otherwise specified.
For writing a Dutch article/blog, Equote B.V. charges an additional €30.00. Writing a non-Dutch article costs €45. Rewriting a submitted text costs €10 and translation costs €15.
Other prices apply for blogs that deal with crypto and gambling. These can be found under the Casino / Gambling tab.
Adult links (XXX, as well as toys) will not be published by Equote B.V.
If Equote B.V. sends a confirmation to the customer, this confirmation is decisive for the content and interpretation of the agreement, subject to obvious typing errors. Equote B.V. cannot be held to its quotation if Client can reasonably understand that the quotation or any part thereof contains an obvious mistake or slip of the pen.
If the client makes notes or comments on Equote B.V.’s quotation, these do not form part of the agreement unless Equote B.V. confirms them in writing.
An order from the client not preceded by a written quotation requires written acceptance by Equote B.V.

Article 5 Establishment of the agreement

Equote B.V. will endeavor to perform the Services to the best of its knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship, as well as as as much as possible in accordance with the written agreements.
In performing the Services, Equote B.V. has only an obligation of effort and no obligation of result. A best-efforts obligation is a contractual obligation to make the necessary efforts or use certain means to achieve the agreed result, which means that Equote B.V. cannot guarantee that the results, outcomes or expectations envisioned by the Client in providing the Services will actually be achieved. Equote B.V. does not guarantee results after delivery of Backlinks. Equote B.V. is not responsible if blog or link placements are not indexed by Google.
Blogs are permanent while the website is online unless otherwise noted. Affiliate links are placed for a minimum of 1 year, as well as links to the homepage.
Prices or terms are subject to change. In the event of a change, the client will be notified and the blog will not be published until both parties agree.
Equote B.V. has the right to have certain work performed by third parties.
Equote B.V. will exercise due care when engaging third parties and will consult with the client in the selection of such third parties as much as is reasonably possible and customary in its relationship to the client.
The client will ensure that all data, which Equote B.V. indicates are necessary or which the client should reasonably understand are necessary for the execution of the agreement, will be provided to Equote B.V. in a timely manner. If the data required for the execution of the agreement have not been provided to Equote B.V. in a timely manner, Equote B.V. will have the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and/or to charge the additional costs resulting from the delay to the Customer according to the then customary rates. If additional costs are involved, prior consultation with the client will take place.
Client shall ensure that Equote B.V. can provide its services in a timely and proper manner. If the client fails to comply with its agreements in this regard, it will be obliged to compensate Equote B.V. for any damages resulting therefrom.
If a deadline is agreed or specified for the delivery of services, it is never a deadline. If a term is exceeded, the principal must give Equote B.V. written notice of default. Equote B.V. must be offered a reasonable period of time to still perform the agreement.

Article 6 Modification of the agreement

If during the execution of the Agreement it appears that for proper execution it is necessary to modify or supplement the Agreement, Equote B.V. and the Principal will timely and in mutual consultation modify the Agreement.
If the agreement is amended, including an addition, this will be considered an additional assignment. The fee for this additional assignment will be agreed upon separately in advance. In the absence of an additional order, the original terms and conditions will apply and additional services will be paid for at the agreed upon rate.
Failure to execute or not immediately execute the amended agreement shall not constitute default on the part of Equote B.V. and shall not constitute grounds for the client to terminate or dissolve the agreement.
Changes to the originally concluded agreement between Equote B.V. and the Principal will only be valid from the moment these changes have been accepted by both parties through an additional or amended agreement. Such amendments must be in writing.

Article 7 Suspension, dissolution and early termination of the agreement

Equote B.V. is authorized to suspend fulfillment of the obligations or to dissolve the agreement, if Client does not, not fully, or not in a timely manner fulfill the obligations under the agreement, or if Equote B.V. has good reason to fear that Client will not fulfill the obligations, provided Equote B.V. has given Client written notice of default by means of a notice setting a reasonable time limit for fulfillment of the obligations and if Equote B.V. fails to fulfill the obligations within that time limit.
Furthermore, Equote B.V. has the right to terminate the agreement under the same conditions as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article if circumstances arise which make compliance with the agreement impossible or unaltered maintenance of the agreement cannot reasonably be required.
If the client fails to comply with its obligations under the agreement, such non-compliance justifies dissolution, and if the client is in default, Equote B.V. will be entitled to dissolve the agreement immediately and with immediate effect, without any obligation on its part to pay any compensation or indemnification, while the client is obliged to pay compensation or indemnification on account of default.

Article 8 Cancellation

Cancellation of the agreement after signing the quotation or the (electronic) order confirmation is not possible.

Article 9 Costs, fees and payment

All amounts in the offer are in euros and exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.
All amounts can also be found in a file with the link opportunities provided by Equote B.V.
Equote B.V. has the right to correct manifestly incorrect data in the offer.
Interim price changes will be passed on to the customer after mutual agreement.
Payment is by bank transfer on account. The invoice must be paid by the client within 28 days.
Principal has the obligation to inform Equote B.V. immediately of any inaccuracies in payment data supplied or sent.
If the client fails to pay an invoice by the due date, the client shall be in default by operation of law, without further notice of default being required. The client shall then be liable for the statutory interest. Interest on the amount due will be calculated from the time the client is in default until the moment of payment of the full amount due.
If Equote B.V. decides to collect a claim for non-payment of one or more unpaid invoices in court, the client will, in addition to the principal sum due and the interest referred to in Article 9.7, also be liable to pay all reasonable judicial and extrajudicial costs. The compensation of the judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred shall be determined in accordance with the Regulation on Compensation for Extrajudicial Collection Costs in force from time to time.

Article 10 Delivery

Delivery shall be made as soon as possible, in principle 2 (two) working weeks.
If delivery does not take place within this period, Client must notify Equote B.V. of this fact. Equote B.V. will ensure the fastest possible delivery, unless this is not possible according to standards of reasonableness and fairness.
Late delivery by Equote B.V. is not a valid reason for dissolution of the agreement.

Article 11 Warranties.

Equote B.V. guarantees that the Backlinks will be online for a minimum of 1 (one) year. If the Backlinks go offline within 1 (one) year, the Client may request a refund for the Blog, Homepage Link or Affiliate Link. If this happens after 1 (one) year, the customer can no longer claim this.
Equote B.V. makes no further warranties with respect to the services provided. Indeed, Equote B.V. has only an obligation of effort in the delivery of the Services and not an obligation of result, as stated in Article 5.2 of these Terms and Conditions.
Equote B.V. does not guarantee results after delivery of Backlinks. Equote B.V. is not responsible if the blog postings are not indexed by Google or any other search engine.

Article 12 Liability

The client is responsible for providing accurate and representative data and information necessary for the execution of the agreement. Equote B.V. will not be liable for any damages, including damages based on an incorrect order, if the customer has provided incorrect, unrepresentative or irrelevant data.
The delivery period mentioned in Article 10 paragraph 1 of these general terms and conditions can only be approximate. Although every effort will be made to meet the delivery period, Equote B.V. can never be held liable for the consequences of exceeding the period stated therein. Exceeding the deadline does not give the client the right to terminate the agreement, nor does Equote B.V. owe the client any damages.


Equote B.V. is not liable for errors or omissions of third parties it engages. By using the services of Equote B.V., the client authorizes Equote B.V., if a third party engaged by Equote B.V. wishes to limit its liability, to accept this limitation of liability also on behalf of the client.
Equote B.V. will not be liable if the Client’s request is contrary to (Dutch) law.
The services provided by Equote B.V. are subject to an obligation of effort and not an obligation to achieve a result. Therefore, Equote B.V. cannot be held liable if the client is dissatisfied with the services provided.
Equote B.V. will not be liable for indirect damages, including but not limited to consequential damages.
Equote B.V. is not liable for any discrepancies on the website.
Equote B.V. will not be liable for non-performance or delayed performance of the obligations under the agreement if this is due to force majeure as referred to in Article 13 of these Terms and Conditions.
The client indemnifies Equote B.V. against claims by third parties, of whatever nature, in connection with the services.
If Equote B.V. is held liable, it will only be liable for direct damages actually suffered, paid or incurred by the client as a result of Equote B.V.’s demonstrable shortcoming in the fulfillment of its obligations regarding its services.
Equote B.V.’s liability is limited to the amount covered and paid by the insurer. If the insurer does not pay or Equote B.V. is not insured, its liability is limited to the amount paid by the client.
The limitation of liability described in this article does not apply in case of intentional or deliberate recklessness of Equote B.V..
This provision does not exclude liability to the extent that liability cannot be limited or excluded by law.

Article 13 Force Majeure

Force majeure means all external causes beyond the will or control of Equote B.V. as a result of which timely, complete or proper fulfillment of the agreement is no longer possible.
Force majeure as referred to in the previous paragraph of this Article shall include, but not be limited to, non-performance by a third party, illness of (staff of) Equote B.V. itself or of a third party, exceptional weather conditions, disruptions in the water and energy supply, strikes, serious failures in the systems of Equote B.V., fire, floods, natural disasters, pandemics, riots, war or other domestic disturbances.
In the event of force majeure, performance of the contract shall be suspended for as long as the force majeure lasts.
If the force majeure lasts longer than one month, both parties are entitled to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention. Equote B.V. will in such case refund all amounts paid, less all costs incurred by Equote B.V. in connection with the agreement.

Article 14 Confidentiality of data

Each Party shall ensure that all information received from the other Party that is known or should be known to be of a confidential nature shall remain confidential. The party receiving confidential data will use it only for the purpose for which it was provided. In any event, information will be considered confidential if it is designated as such by either party. Equote B.V. is not liable if providing information to third parties is necessary because of a court order, a legal obligation or for the proper performance of the agreement.

Article 15 Intellectual property

Equote B.V. reserves its rights and powers under the Copyright Act.
The publisher guarantees that no rights of third parties oppose making data available to Equote B.V.. Client indemnifies Equote B.V. against any action based on the allegation that such making available, use, processing, installation or incorporation infringes the rights of third parties.
If the customer provides content that is not free of rights or intellectual property has been violated, the damage will be borne by the customer and cannot be recovered from Equote B.V. Equote B.V. is not liable for this.
If the use of the content supplied by the client leads to an infringement of intellectual property, the damage will be borne by the client and cannot be recovered from Equote B.V..

Article 16 Complaint Procedure.

If the client has a complaint, it should be sent in writing to info@https://equote.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/times-square-5476715_6400-1.jpg.eu or by phone to +31636487431. If possible, the complaint will be handled by Equote B.V. within 5 (five) working days of receipt. After that, the client will receive a substantive response as soon as possible.

Article 17 Modification clause.

Equote B.V. reserves the right to modify or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Equote B.V. will notify the Client of such changes in a timely manner.
The amended General Terms and Conditions will apply to the agreement one month after notification to the client.

Article 18 Applicable law and competent court

The legal relationship(s) between Equote B.V. and its principal shall be governed by Dutch law.
All disputes that may arise between Equote B.V. and the Client will be settled by the competent court of the District Court of Northern Netherlands.